Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Sighting

The relief feels pretty big.  The only thing better would be to have gotten her home tonight.

Two very nice people spotted Lucy on the sidewalk on Blagden Ave., and within five minutes pulled up to a corner where a Lucy flier had been posted by Lisa (THANKS again Lisa).  We're pretty confident this time that it was in fact Lucy.

We searched the neighborhood for a few hours, but no Lucy.  However, this gives us great hope.  Tomorrow we will be hanging some more fliers, and Chewy will be tracking again.

Fingers and toes and eyes crossed...


  1. With Queenie now safe, I think that at least some of the resources devoted to her containment are becoming available to help with Lucy. If you want help looking for Lucy, then there are those of us that want to offer it.

  2. Hello from North Carolina. My husband and I have family in Centreville and we found your blog on Jeddah's page.
    We want you to know that, even though we are not able to be there to help with the search for Lucy, we have been patiently praying for Rocky and Queenie to be found, and God has answered those prayers- so we will continue to pray for the safe return of Lucy as well.
    God bless you.

  3. I am working in NW DC tomorrow and can come out after work to help look... I'll be done around 3pm. Best would be to set some traps, though, I think. Even the best-trained dogs become very fearful and instinct kicks in to RUN! when they see people. Best of luck, and let me know if you need me!

  4. Hi! Thanks for the offer of help. We'll be meeting at the Carter Barron Ampitheater at 1 today, but give me a call when you get off and I'll tell you where we are. Also, email us at with your contact information and we'll add you to the "Lost Lucy Flier Team." Thanks again!


  5. Erica--I think it's too early to trap since Lucy isn't tied to a feeding station pattern yet (we had Queenie locked in to a pattern pretty well). But--if you have access to a trap, please let me know! Always good to know where our options are, other than DC Animal Control. Thanks!

